Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia, PA
M. Arch Studio II // Critic: Leopold Lambert
The East Parkside Marketplace is an exploration of the power dynamics associated with lending and finance. What is the relationship between a lending institution and the historically disenfranchised community that it serves? What role does the architecture of a bank contribute to this power imbalance?
The project is an attempt to learn from these troupes and create a new type of social condenser that does the opposite. Some of the guiding points of consideration were how a public, coop-style, organization would make decisions opposed to a board of directors. Where and how the placement of bodies in a financial transaction make those parties feel and determine the outcome of that transaction. Finally, how financial literacy in praxis can impact outcomes for the residents of East Parkside. This project I hope, provides an imagined alternative where the residents of East Parkside build and control wealth. Both material wealth and immaterial wealth - namely the freedom and confidence to build their own future.